
The Fall Of The House Of Usher, And 'The Fall Of The House Of Usher'

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Everyone experiences fear in one point of their lifetime. Fear is a common emotion that affect people mentally and physically. Such as, causing a person to be so scared that they can't even move or can cause a person’s fear to overcome them enough to be challenged mentally and produce erratic and illogical thinking, therefore overcoming their own morals and reasoning. Fear fueled imagination overcomes reason by altering someone's morals, by changing their emotional point of view, and by motivating people to do irrational actions.
Fear-fueled imagination overcomes reason by changing people's emotional point of view of things which has a huge impact on the way people start to think, and can ultimately lead someone to go insane. One example of this is in the “The Fall of The House of Usher” by Edgar Allen Poe “[The narrator describes Madeline’s coming back from the dead and how Usher reacted] with a low moaning cry, fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and in her violent and now final death agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse and a victim to the terrors he anticipated” (30). This shows how fear can be consequential to someone's emotional point of view to the point in which Usher went insane and ultimately died of fear. This also portrays the strength of the effect of fear and how consequential it can be to the human mind. Another example of this is in “Where is Here” by Joyce Carol Oates, “...the mother said uneasily ‘Maybe you would better go out there with

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