
The Four Stages Of Developmental Psychology

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Developmental psychology is the study of physical, cognitive, and social changes throughout the entire lifespan of a human being. Arguably, it is the most important process that psychologists analyze to understand brain development and the issues that every person faces when progressing through the four main stages of life, parental-newborn, infancy & childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. There are specific behaviors that correlate with each stage of life and Jean Piaget, a famous developmental psychologist broke down these behaviors into four main stages, sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. By understanding the four main stages of life with the necessary behaviors that relate, parents, teachers, or anyone responsible for guiding the development of people in all life stages, will be able to help benefit a growth. In the first stage of life, the human brain forms roughly 250,000 nerve cells a minute, ultimately giving a person most of the nerve cells they will ever have in their entire life. Not only does the nervous system begin to wire itself, but babies in the womb begin to learn language and sounds. The process of habituation (a decrease in behavioral response to repeated stimuli) promotes a competent newborn, a baby that instantly knows what do such as root for food and cry. This stage is called the parental-newborn. During this stage of life, motor and cognitive development initiate for the first time. The baby starts to

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