
Why Beowulf Is A Hero

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While the initial judgments of the main character Beowulf were that he was seen as the hero of the fictional epic poem “Beowulf” by an anonymous writer, this assertion may be skewed with the information of the reasonings alluded by the narrator as to why this character vanquished the monsters. The evidence of Beowulf showing that his actions of slaying the monsters were for the prominence of the title shows that Beowulf cannot be portrayed as a true hero for he did not have the selfless characteristics a warrior at this timeline would usually be seen possessing. Throughout the poem, Beowulf is very set on being the hero for the Danes and his people of Geatland. This first starts with the explanation of his battling with the sea monsters beforehand. The explanation came about through his argument as to why Beowulf can defeat the monster Grendel. “I swam into the blackness of the night, hunting monsters out of the ocean and killing them one by one; death was my errand and the fate they had earned,” (Beowulf ln 421-425). This explains how he had killed the sea monsters all by himself and how then with this “success” he can kill Grendel by himself without the help of Hrothgar’s men. The narrator also alludes to the fact that Beowulf may be stretching the truth about his victory in this battle because there seemed to be no witnesses to this event. This raises the argument that although Beowulf used this as an explanation supporting his claim of defeating Grendel, the declare of

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