
The Personality Trait Theory ( Jung, Eysenck, And Allport

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Introduction Introversion was defined as “withdrawn and often shy, and they tend to focus on themselves, on their own thoughts and feelings” (Jung, 1923) Therefore focusing on this personality trait can help to better understand why people tend to be reserved and withdrawn from everyday life. Carl Jung was the creator of the neopsychoanalytical approach, which focused on psychic energy. While Gordon Allport and Hans Eysenck contributor to the trait theory, focused on biology and individualized traits. Jung, Eysenck and Allport focused on extrovert vs. introvert, yet had completely different ideas of how introversion is seen in everyday life. Personally believeing this trait is one I carry, focusing on completely different approaches will bring light to many explanations of why people act the way they do, including myself. By using both case studies and personal work from the works of Jung, Eysenck, and Allport researching introversion should not be a an issue. Although there is a lot of work to do with introversion, through this research one can get a better overview. Trait Definition Carl Jung has defined introversion as “withdrawn and often shy, and tend to focus on themselves along with their own thoughts and/or feelings.” Jung also found that everyone starts off with introversion and extroversion, but with time and life experience only the dominant one is the one that shows Therefore, for example two young children going through different life experience can both end

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