
The White Umbrella Literary Analysis

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In the beginning of their stories, both Jerry and the narrator of The White Umbrella are caught care about themselves and their well-being when they could’ve cared about someone other than themselves. Jerry’s brother is trying to buy something nice for their dad and asks if Jerry wants to pitch in. Jerry had been saving is money to buy cards he’s always been wanting, so instead of helping out getting his father a gift he decided to use it on himself. This shows us that Jerry isn’t used to thinking about others rather than himself. The narrator of The White Umbrella is like Jerry. Her mom works all day and she is ashamed of that. She wishes her teacher was her mother, but later did she know that her mother was going to pass away.
In the story President Cleveland where are you, Jerry learns from his older brother Armand the importance of giving rather than receiving. Instead of going to the dance, Armand saves up his money to buy his father something nice and offers Jerry to pitch in. Jerry refuses to help buy a gift for his father and instead plans on buying cards with his money. Jerry later then learns from Armand that its more important to give, so he then uses his money to get his brother Armand to go to the dance. …show more content…

Selfishness has to do with putting yourself in front of other people you care about. For Example, Jerry from President Cleveland where are you only thinks about his own well being instead of others around him. In the story The white umbrella, the narrate also shows a bit of selfish ness. She is embarrassed that her mother works all day and wishes that her teacher is her mother. Her mother works to give her daughter shelter and food, which she doesn’t

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