
What Is Beowulf A Hero

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Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, are all heroes that have selflessly changed our world for the greater good. Heroes are people with immense courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, that set them apart from those around them. In the novel Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney, a man by the name of Beowulf exhibits traits of hero in the probably the oldest English poems known. Throughout this epic poem, Beowulf takes on challenge after challenge, exhibiting his great strength and prowess in combat. Being a confident, selfless, and powerful king, Beowulf shows the traits of a spectacular hero to his people and those of other nations.
With great power comes great confidence, or something like that. Well in Beowulf’s …show more content…

Throughout this story Beowulf ages fifty years into a king of the Geats. After slaying both Grendel and Grendel’s mother, Beowulf still has the power to protect and nurture his kingdom. Although Beowulf thought he was done protecting this kingdom, one more threat is thrown their way. A man in the village of the Geats angered the dragon by stealing it’s valuables. With a rampaging dragon, their King Beowulf must protect kingdom one last time. But this time it isn’t so much for himself and pride but for the protection of those around him. Beowulf fights alone in order to ensure the safety of his people, yet one man by the name of Wiglaf stays by his side. After fighting by Beowulf’s side Wiglaf experiences the person Beowulf really was. Although Beowulf dies, he takes the dragon with him saving his kingdom. After this, Wiglaf reflects on the person Beowulf was and what he meant to the village. “Yet Beowulf's gaze at the gold treasure when he first saw it had not been selfish.” (207:3074-75) Unlike most men in the kingdom Beowulf was fighting for his people not the treasure. Wiglaf speaks again this time speaking of the king he was, “Often when one man follows his own will many are hurt. This happened to us.”( 207:3087-88) In this passage, Wiglaf explains that Beowulf cared too much for his kingdom that eh fought alone leading to his death. This death …show more content…

Beowulf slayed monsters, dragons, and forces of evil. Beowulf speaks out about his adventures crossing the ocean, “However it occurred, my sword had killed nine sea monsters.” (39:574-75) Dressed in full armor and an enormous sword, Beowulf swam the ocean slaying sea monsters, although this may be an exaggeration, the people of Hrothgar believe this story because they know his strength. Beowulf is so powerful he defeated a monster with his bare hands that a whole kingdom of warriors could not defeat with weapons. “Beowulf was granted the glory of winning; Grendel was driven under the fen-banks, fatally hurt, to his desolate lair. His days were numbered, the end of his life was coming over him...” ( 55:818-21) Although Beowulf was not able to kill the monster, he injured it so fatally it withered away, but not without a trophy for Beowulf's victory. During the fight Beowulf ripped off Grendel’s arm, and keeping it as a trophy for his tremendous victory. Yte, these are not the only examples of Beowulf’s god-like abilities. Enraged by the death of her son, Grendel’s mother tries to retrieve the arm of her son. This leads off into another test of Beowulf's strength, and he will prevail this time with the help of a mighty sword. “So the Shieldings’ hero, hard-pressed and enraged, took a firm hold of the hilt and swung the blade in an arc, a resolute blow

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