
Who Is Beowulf A Hero

Decent Essays

Beowulf: a Hero or Just a Man?
Hero: person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities (Webster’s Dictionary). Typical heroic traits include nobility, bravery, strength, etc. Beowulf can be described as a hero because he is remarked throughout the epic poem, Beowulf, as a courageous, strong, and generous warrior.
Beowulf is displayed as courageous. To prove himself to King Hrothgar, he boasted about all the bold tasks he had completed as a young child, and later in the epic, he displays the same courage when declaring to fight Grendel after the King had warned him that every warrior who had tried to defeat Grendel failed. Beowulf conveyed heroism when he stated, "Grendel now, monster

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