Animal Farm Discussion Questions

1. What is the role of propaganda in the novel? Do you think that Napoleon could have established a dictatorship without propaganda? Could he have maintained it without propaganda?

Propaganda enables Napoleon and Squealer to rule with an iron fist. It allows them to keep secrets from their animal subjects—as evident in the way they keep animals from finding out about a severe shortage of resources—and also offers the dictators easy avenues out of problems of their own doing. They blame Snowball for every mishap, thereby effectively diverting the animals’ discontent away from themselves. Finally, it also allows the pigs to present themselves as an inherently superior class of animals.

2. Old Major’s vision of a utopian society lacked structure. Does this mean the animals could not have achieved a true socialist society?

Since Old Major’s vision lacked structure, it became easy for Napoleon and Squealer to invoke his name to suit their selfish goals. This shows that formulating sociopolitical ideals is one thing, whereas putting them to practice is another challenge altogether. Ideals can’t be too rigid or defined without regard for structure. In the absence of a coherent structure, the animals were subjected to a dictatorship. It would be presumptuous to say that the animals would have implemented a better, more egalitarian version of socialism had Old Major’s formulation been more nuanced and structured. Good formulation does not guarantee good implementation.

3. What is the significance of Snowball being used as a scapegoat? Do dictators do this often? If so, how?

Snowball is the scapegoat, the freshly manufactured traitor. Squealer blames every misstep from Napoleon on Snowball. In fact, at one point, Squealer even blames Snowball for dangerous weather. In effect, Snowball is both a distraction and a warning for other animals. Snowball’s case shows that dissent is unforgivable and will be dealt with very seriously. Dictators also do this in real life. They manufacture traitors in the form of internal enemies to encourage zeal and keep resistance at bay.

4. How do the Seven Commandments become a single commandment that goes against the very nature and intent of the original commandments?

The Seven Commandments originally contained the guiding prinicples for Animal Farm. Napoleon and Squealer gradually reduce the commandments to a single line: “Four legs good, two legs bad.” This oversimplification does not represent any of the nuanced principles originally proposed by Old Major. It presents humans as the sole enemies of the farm animals, and in doing so it effectively distracts the farm animals from the havoc caused by Napoleon’s tyranny. Originally intended as a tool to unify and uplift the farm, Napoleon and Squealer’s version accomplishes the opposite.

5. What is the significance of Boxer’s betrayal and murder at the end of the novel?

Boxer was one of the hardest workers on Animal Farm. Though he sustains serious injuries in the Battle of Windmill, he continues to work hard. His ceasless physical toil is unrewarded, and this is arguably Orwell’s way of depicting the plight of the proletariat. In the human world, the proletriat work tirelessly toward the advancement of capital, but do not derive any benfefit—material or otherwise—despite their efforts. Boxer’s situation is not only similar but also more tragic. When he falls seriously ill toward the end of the novel, the pigs send him to a slaughterhouse under the pretext of sending him to a hospital. This shows that Boxer was only seen as a dispensable cog. The pigs had not only exploited Boxer for labor but also profited off his death.

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