
Beowulf : A Great Hero

Decent Essays

The Old English epic, Beowulf, by Anonymous is an excellent story because the author focuses on the central theme of what it takes to be known as a great hero. For decades, authors have written about characters who gain the title of a hero by proving themselves worthy by doing tasks that no normal human could ever do. Beowulf is a hero that never backs down and displays his bravery when faced upon fierce challenges. In addition to his bravery, he also takes pride in his achievements that have earned him the rightful fame and title of a hero. Throughout the poem, Beowulf shows a great amount of generosity by rewarding his warriors when they fight alongside him. He protects his people when they are in danger and in return gains the trust and respect of the people he protected. Beowulf embraces the idea of gaining the title of hero and takes on every challenge even if it means going to extremes and shows an impressive amount of courage and generosity to those he protects. It is Beowulf’s generosity, pride, bravery, as well as the will to take any dangerous challenge to protect his people and others that gain him the title of a great hero.
Beowulf, the old English epic poem, is the story about and how Beowulf shows his generosity to prove his worthiness of the title of hero. In the beginning of the poem, a monster named Grendel terrorizes King Hrothgar and his men in his own mead hall and King Hrothgar cannot help but feel helpless against the demonic monster. At this point

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