
Beowulf: A True Hero

Decent Essays

Beowulf, the main character of a poem written in 1000 AD, remains considered a hero through many situations throughout the poem by exemplifying his bravery and courage. Beowulf is a hero by always showing fearlessness, putting others safety in front of his, and also showing great strength and skill. He never backs away from a battle. His courageous character makes him an ageless hero. First of all, Beowulf displays bravery and courage many different times in the story. Grendel embodies as a demon who can carry 30 men. Beowulf pronounces he will fight Grendel without weapons. Without weapons, meaning his bare hands (Raffel, Burton (1971) 28. Print). Beowulf should remain terrified, but he isn’t. Afterward, Beowulf followed Grendel’s mother

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