
Critique Analysis Of Beowulf

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Critique Paper – Beowulf

In the epic Beowulf, the main character Beowulf possesses all the qualities of a hero during the Anglo Saxon Era. He demonstrates his courage, loyalty, wisdom, and strength but are these qualities enough to consider him a hero by the standards of today?

Beowulf has qualities that strong heroes have but didn't struggle to get them because he was born with it. He has many adventures, like fighting Grendel and other monstrous creatures but was very sure of himself. He was born strong. (Beowulf, 35 – 37)
"Now there lived overseas
In the land of the Geats, a youth of valiance abounding,
Mightiest yest mildest of men, his name Beowulf,"

But Beowulf being sure of himself showed how arrogant and boastful he is by …show more content…

Like Spiderman and Batman both strong, courageous, loyal and helpful. These heroes didn't ever boast their triumphs. They even hid their identity under a mask. They have pride and honor because they received recognition initiated by the people. In spite of that, they remained humble and down to earth. They hid their identity as superheroes and will just appear if people are in need of help. These are the other characteristic of a modern hero that is acceptable today. Beowulf has many things that the Anglo Saxon viewed as heroism but he missed many things that are important for a modern hero.

In conclusion, Beowulf possessed many heroic qualities in the Anglo Saxon era that mere mortals lack - bravery beyond compare, superhuman intelligence, strength or skills and a driving desire to find success. However, he would not be considered a hero in today's world. Drucker and Cathcart (1994) claim: "A hero varies culture to culture and from time to time." (p.2)
Anglo-Saxons appreciated different things in a hero that we do not appreciate today. Nowadays, heroes are introduced to people early on in life usually as a fictional character, but as children grow older their perception of heroes alter. A hero not only need to be physically strong, but he also needs to have integrity and moral values who acts without thinking his own benefits.

Works Cited
Jankowski, Connie.

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