
Green Innovation in Tourism for Economic Sustainability Essay examples

Decent Essays

The tourism sector has undoubtedly become one of the globe’s foremost drivers of economic development, sustainability and progress. This is because its rate of growth, links to other economic sectors as well as dependence on a relatively unblemished natural environment puts it into an inimitable position from an economic sustainability and development perspective. In the same breath, tourism has been singled out as one of the key sectors that can play a leading role in the world’s transition to an inclusive green economy characterized by low carbon release. Strategic shifts in tourism practices have the potential of yielding major benefits capable of stimulating change towards better sustainability not only in the tourism industry but in …show more content…

Since they are also cost effective, they will reduce the sector’s expenses to some extent. This reduction in expenditure will ascertain the sector’s economic sustainability in the long run (European Future Energy Forum, 2010, para. 1). Many researchers have found that green products last longer than non green products (Ottman, 1998, p. 89). This has particularly been observed in natural cleaning products, recycled paper, footwear made from recycled materials, hybrid cars and baby care products manufactured without artificial chemicals (Hopkins, 2009, p. 87). The fact that they can be recycled and used over and over again demonstrates their durability. At the moment, the tourism sector has been accused of excessively using non durable products, a situation that has to change via the adoption of green products. Through this transformation, the tourism sector will benefit greatly from adopting green innovations since they will last longer, saving the sector generous amounts of expenditure. This will enhance the sector’s economic long term sustainability. Green innovations are primarily aimed at conserving the environment, the very foundation on which the tourism sector is founded. The tourism sector has suffered profoundly from environment degradation. For instance, global warming has led to the melting of glaciers. In the meantime, the destruction of forests and water bodies has led to human-animal

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