
How Scientists Can Most Efficiently Complete Organ Printing Essay

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Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test how scientists can most efficiently complete organ printing. In this lab, the cells will be suspended in a substrate called sodium alginate-collagen, hydrogel, and other reactants. These materials will react to then embed the cells to their goal location. Then, the cells will be able to be fixated into layers. These layers will then come together and form tissues, which according to biological organization will form organs. The inkjet bioprinter allows for this to occur. Tiny ink droplets form a digital design for the organ printing, and in horizontal sheets, the organ is created tissue by tissue. This lab will test to see which percent concentration of the sodium alginate-collagen composite will prove to be most effective when organ printing. The dependent factor that will determine the conclusion will be the percent of efficiency of cell survival rate. Four trials will be completed in which the same organ is printed and all factors are kept constant, except for the percent concentration of the substrate.


In the past, the only way to replace diminished cells, tissues, and organs was from organ transplantation. An organ donor was needed, and the tissues would be surgically removed from the donated body and placed into the recipient. Due to the current research being conducted, it is believed that tissue engineering and organ printing can contribute to the process of improving and saving lives.

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