
Mbnqa History

Decent Essays


This chapter covers the background and rationale, statement of the opportunity, purpose, research questions, nature of the study, definition of key terms, the significance of the study, assumptions, and limitations. It also covers the scope, worldview and theoretical foundation depicting the logical path of the research study.


The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) is the highest-level recognition award for companies in the United States. It acknowledges achievements of well-run companies that follow established quality systems and also in performance excellence. Three categories exist for business/nonprofit, education and health care. (NIST 2017). The National Institute of Standards and …show more content…

The act acknowledged that American businesses had been surpassed by other, non-American companies, both in product and process quality. The act further states that the cost of poor quality for some companies had reached 20% of sales revenue (Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987). It was hoped that the crisis of the loss of economic dominance of American businesses would be halted by rewarding companies for improving the quality of products and services through the creation of the …show more content…

From 1987 to 2015, over 1600 organizations applied for the Baldrige Award, but only 102 had won the prize, even though the award allows 18 winners each year (NIST 2016). In 2016, only 34 organizations applied for the award with four winners; two in small business and two in health care.
Organizations complete an application addressing all the criteria items, and expert quality examiners who provide feedback to the organization evaluate application. The assessment is designed to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement that enable an organization to grow to performance excellence. The majority of applicants complete the application in order to obtain the expert feedback from Malcom Baldrige trained examiners and to use this feedback for organization improvement.
The point of view from which this opportunity is explored is case study (rephrase this sentence – stronger and explain better). First, a qualitative research will be used to identify the most relevant assessment tool for determining the relationship of a specific assessment to the MBNQA criteria. Finally, the findings of these tools will be evaluated and compared to the actual Baldrige case studies in order to find the most effective and durable assessment tool for use in the manufacturing

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