
Module 1 Example Essay

Decent Essays

Goal 1: Mason will improve his impulse control.

Mason has pulled out more of his hair and is now bald in the top of his head. Mason’s mother acknowledged, “the hair pulling increased while I was out of town and while he was with his dad.” Mason reported he has been pulling his hair at night. Mason informed the team he pulled the stress ball apart which helped with reduce his hair pulling. Mason’s mother commented, “Mason has improved his sneaking in the refrigerator.” Mason has a stable appetite and asks for permission for foods items. QP has assessed Mason has made slight progress improving his impulse control, as indicated by Mason still hair pulling; however, Mason has improved his stable appetite and reports no SI.

Goal 2: Mason will manage his anger.

Mason and his mother shared he had a decent week at his father’s house. Mason reported, “there was an incident; however, Mason felt embarrassed and did not want to tell what happened.” Mason mother informed the team Mason was physically aggressive towards his father. Mason’s mother shared, “the story I got was Mason was doing something he wasn’t supposed to and Mason’s dad grabbed his hand then Mason proceed to punch him.” Mason’s mother acknowledged, “this is the first time has ever been physically aggressive and they do not want this to become a habit.” …show more content…

The team reflected on Mason doing an excellent job in school. Mason earned awards for having the highest grade in ELA. Mason is excited about going to the 10th grade and being able to go outside the school for work. Mason is going to summer camp at Victory Junction where he will practice his socialization skills. QP has assessed Mason has made moderate progress with improving his academic performance, as indicated by Mason earning passing grades in the 9th grade and improving his behavior.

Goal 4: Mason will comply with the treatment recommendations of his medical and mental health

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