
Recycling Process Is Not Always Cost Effective

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) Recycling process doesn’t involve in the following steps as cleaning, reworking, reassembly, and also testing. Hence, the recycling process is quite cheaper compared to remanufacturing process. It’s requires less labor and capital intensive. 2) For recycling process, High initial cost is required. 3) Recycling does not reduce the price of a product, then again, it helps the production process to reduce the cost of the product.4) Recycling process is for recovering materials for future use, and applies to fabricated parts and materials used during the production.5) while designing any particular product in recycling the following conditions are taken into consideration are cost savings, protecting environment, non-biodegradable wastes, …show more content…

8) It is profitable. 9) The biggest disadvantages is it doesn’t provide any adequate warranties.10) Remanufacturing products are always perceived as they are inferior to new products as lead to pricing and cannibalization issues. 11) Remanufacturing lead to a higher amount of emissions derived.
In my point of view Recycling process is also done with reverse logistics. Reverse logistics is defined as logistics used to move products up the supply chain. The Recycling process is very easy, less technological, and very inexpensive. Recycling also stands to innovations drive scientific advancements in producing less natural resources intensive products. The recycling process is related to sustainability by its product design and that takes into the ability to disassemble a used product by doing recycling.
In my point of view, about Remanufacturing begins with when the item is delivered and it is returned back. In remanufacturing process we required both unskilled and semi-skilled workers for doing operations. After doing the remanufacturing product the product is again a low quality it result to the brand of the company at the greatest risk to the maker and there is chance to consumer to not buy this

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