
Spanking Persuasive Speech

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You remember the pain you had when you were young after You got the spanking of your life. Yeah, “imagine hearing get your ass over here”. “Boom, crash” noise you go to check out the crash to check if everybody is okay. You see that a man has his belt off and the kid is holding three loaves of bread in their hand and you see the man bring his arm all the way behind him and “Wham”,he hits the kid with the belt.You here the kid yell for help and he makes eye contact with the child and he ask you to help him.Now the man is clearly drunk you can tell when he says, “you need to mind your business” he hits the kid again. What would you do? One of the greatest debates is whether or not a parent should spank a child. Several meta-analyses have been conducted over five decades regarding this subject and although this is very hard topic to measure it has been said that in addition to psychological effects on children that may be a very high price the parents will have to pay. Measuring the effects of spanking have proven to be difficult, not only because of individuals unmoveable opinions but because of the other physical abuse that usually accompanies spanking People who are spanked are negatively …show more content…

“If parents use negative forms of discipline (i.e., physical punishment), their children are more likely to use violence to resolve their own conflicts” (Parents' Use of Physical Punishment Increases Violent Behavior Among Youth).Which would result in a physical altercation with peers. Another way that a people who have been spanked are affected is depression.Although several studies have been shown trying to prove one way or another there have been any solid evidence linked to depression to spanking. But, spanking has been linked to high levels of stress which would lead a person to

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