
Sustainable Architecture Advantages And Disadvantages

Decent Essays

With global warming, the world's attention on building energy efficiency is increasing. There are a large proportion of architects recognised that the main factor of global warming is the use of building energy generated by CO2. Sustainable architecture is involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources. There are several major elements need to be considered, such as technology, economy and Health . However, architects pay their greatest attention to environment. Because environment is the fundamental factor of others and influence humans’ life . Sustainable architectures reduce the consumption of resources in order to save energy for nature and also green buildings produce less pollution in order to save environment. Evidence suggests that sustainable architectures are advantageous for environment.Whereas, other individuals states that sustainable buildings get more drawbacks. This essay argues that the advantages of sustainable architecture far outweigh the disadvantages in relation to technology , energy saving and economy.
With the development of technology, the invention and evolution of different materials can bring out more possibility of sustainable architecture. Different materials can be used to describe incredible design which looks The sustainable materials tend to reduce energy consumption. For instance architect use renewable materials (such as wood ) to replace the consumption of non-renewable resources(such as original cement ).

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