
The Characteristics Of The Hero Of Beowulf

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To know whether someone is a hero or not the first thing you need to know is; what is a hero? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a hero as someone who is a mythological or legendary figure often divine in descent endowed with great strength. Beowulf is embodied as a hero who fought for his people and defeated evil with his immortal powers that he used to bring peace and justice. He constantly showed virtues admirable of any man especially during the Anglo-Saxon time period; he was wise, noble, and brave and was a true hero. Following the ways of comitataus, Beowulf often has to suppress his internal natural human fears and live up to what was expected of an Anglo-Saxon warrior. Beowulf is constantly dealing with a dual ordeal from external battles with supernatural demons and pressure from those around him to internal battles caused by natural human tendencies of pride, greed, cowardice, betrayal, and self-concern, throughout his life. Beowulf was a very important hero of the time who accomplished many impressive feats and was revered. Beowulf was never afraid to die: "Life doesn't cost him a thought!" Bravery was a greater aspect of Beowulf's heroic traits. He faced many external battles with vicious opponents and was very brave to fight Grendel. He could have stayed in his country but instead he decided to help King Hrothgar and his people by fighting a monster he knew nothing about, Grendel and his mother. Grendel was a tremendously feared monster by

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