
Thought About Writing

Decent Essays


I have a lot of thoughts that I want to be able to save. I have a hard time putting them down on paper because the words do not flow as freely from my brain to my hands. I worry about the correct words, spelling, punctuation, etc. When I think, I do not have to worry about that. Writing is also slower than thinking and by the time I get my thoughts out, I have trouble remembering what I was trying to write. . I also try to edit as I write or type. As I write this, I am doing it with my eyes closed so I will not get distracted. I had to go back and edit the spelling and grammar. I also don’t have a large vocabulary, my spelling is bad, and my grammar is poor. I want to improve this to help my communication at work and with others. I would like to write some of my ideas and thought down as legacy for my family so when I am gone, dead, they will have some way to read my memories and to remember me. As I get older, I am well aware that I forget many things. I don’t recall conversations, vacations, dates and the like. I also notice when I think, I have emotions, and images and references and links to other thoughts that don’t translate into words. On paper, I have to add additional words to describe what is in my head. I also find that I …show more content…

I have been listening to Rob Lowe’s book “Love Life”, a lot of it is going to be applicable to me in a few years when the kids grow up and leave the house. I have also listened to Mark Twain’s autobiography, not the best, as the first part is about how it was written and not the content itself. However, one notable item is his style of writing as the thoughts come to him and not in chronological order. If I were to write my own autobiography, I would do the same, I now it would be boring for a reader to follow my life in order, and would probably not be of much interest of anyone

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