
Why Is Beowulf A Hero

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Heroes are a common component in the literary tradition of all cultures. Although heroes are a universal concept, the defining traits that make a hero are different for any individual. I personally believe that a hero must be brave, wise and compassionate. Considering my definition of a hero I believe the famous Anglo-Saxon hero Beowulf is still worthy of the title of hero. Additionally there are heroes in the world around us that are equally inspiring. Bravery is possibly the most common heroic trait exhibited by Beowulf in the epic poem. His bravery is unquestionable and it is easily observed in any of his battles. For example his choice to fight Grendel without armor truly demonstrates his unwavering courage. ”I have heard moreover that the monster scorns in his reckless way to use weapons … I hereby renounce sword and the shelter of the heavy broad shield”(Beowulf 215). Another example of Beowulf’s bravery was when he fought the dragon. At the time of the battle, Beowulf is close to seventy years old and he chooses to fight alone, sparing a group of his finest warriors who he has positioned outside of the cave only as emergency back ups. In the end Beowulf only outlives the dragon’s fatal bite through the intervention of Wiglaf. …show more content…

After slaying Grendel he gave credit to his fellow Geats for helping in his fight with Grendel, even though their efforts did not influence the outcome of the fight. ”We have gone through with a glorious endeavor … in this fight we dared against the unknown” (Beowulf 244). Beowulf’s final and best demonstration of generosity was giving his life to protect his country from the dragon. In the process of this action he also exchanged his life for the massive hoard of treasure to be shared among his people. Due to Beowulf’s generosity and other great characteristics as leader, his subjects mourned his death. “They said that of all the kings upon the

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