
Beowulf: A True Hero

Decent Essays

The tale of Beowulf is a compelling story about a man that travels overseas to help a king Hrothgar and his kingdom under the tyranny of a demon from the seed of Cain in the bible. Beowulf then slays the demon, keeping his arm as a reward. His mother, sneaks in and steals that arm in revenge, beowulf and his warriors find her in a swamp and they fight. He then kills her and returns back to the land as a hero. He becomes king and rules for 50 years, after this he last battle is with the dragon. He kills the dragon but then is wounded and dies. Whether or not Beowulf is considered a hero will be answered through the analyzation of how he was viewed by others, what Beowulf’s intentions were, and how he saw himself. View by others According

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