
Beowulf As A Hero

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Crime and sickness is a big problem in the world. Everyday someone is dealing with a disease like cancer or even worse the death of a loved one. For no particular reason except for life happens. It is important that on this planet we have heroes to get through all the heart ache one faces in the world. If not help those through the traumatic and devastating events life throws at them, then to get rid of it completely. It is important to remember that not all heroes wear capes. Some might think of heroes as movie actors with capes and stage makeup facing unrealistic conflict. Multiple heroes that are on earth today are just ordinary people that walk the same streets as everyone else. In the poem Beowulf he is a hero that did some unrealistic things. Even though they did not seem to be real life situations the story helped people understand some of the characteristics of a hero. The best comparison to Beowulf is an Emergency Medical Technician. The first reason why an EMT and Beowulf are the same is because they are strong physically and mentally. Beowulf was strong mentally in the strategy he used to fight. He kept a clear mind and did not let things easily get to him. For example, when he fought Grendel there were multiple things to put into perspective. The fact that he had to stage the scene exactly how it would have been set up if the men were in the hall normally. Not only that, but Beowulf knows how to keep a level head. When Grendel came into the Mead Hall and

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