
Audience Memo

Satisfactory Essays

1. Who is audience?
My goal, as writer, is for my massage to reach large diversity audience with minimum exclusions. To better gauge my approach I must understand my potential audience: level of education, technical experience. Does the proposed topic concern the audience and how well subject is known? I also must take in consideration weather writing is it intended for one person or a targeted group. Audience is a very complex categorization consisting and overlapping several groups like Executive, Technical, Expert etc. Predominately the Audience divided in two major groups: Primary audience– to whom my memo is addressed, decision makers - my most valuable audience; Secondary audience - anyone who might have reason to read the material, give a feedback; Shadow or Hidden audience- the unintended readers. For this instance, my teacher is my primary audience.
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The needs of the audience
Has my message raised awareness? What is the purpose of my writing? Most importantly what is my audience do not want to read or hear. This is where demographic characteristics research comes very useful: political affiliation, age, gender, education, geo location etc.
3. The attitudes of the audience
The attitude of audience is based on trust and yours, as writer/presenter, credibility. If attitude is positive, write’s goal is to reinforce and recite the benefits of presentable article. Sometimes, as a write you must anticipate objective and hostile audience; this is a great way to use your best persuasive writing skills.
4. The expectations of the audience
Audience will have all kinds of expectations based on personal knowledge that ultimately shaped their experience. And usually it will be based on past and sometimes downright unrealistic expectations. So most important technical writer mission is to keep its readers or listeners from whip-lashing! Give the audience what they came for and what they feel passionate

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